Thursday, 4 March 2010

Turbo and T-Run week 22 Thursday 4th March

Had planed to swim this morning. Woke up naturally wondering thinking "this is good, no alarm yet time for more sleep" looked at the clock and it was 6:40am. Bugger, not gonna get to UEA for 7am and a swim, so stayed in bed a whole lot longer. No alarm = no swim. Guess staying up writing up the blog last caused me to overlook setting the alarm. I've already set two different alarms for tomorrow morning.
A turbo session this evening with the company of Angie Thorp, who took the photo. Don't worry I don't normally wear a helmet, glasses or gloves in the garage. But all 3 are new and I wanted to wear them. You can see that the chin strap needs triming. And yes it is an aero helmet. You'll note that I'm wearing the new Tri-Anglia tri-suit too. As I had company I thought I'd go for a dress rehearsal and wear the kit I plan to use on March 28th.
The session comprised 6x 3minute efforts and is detailed in the graphic with the heart rate trace. I've done this session once before, two weeks ago on Friday 19th February. I felt really good and fully recovered this evening and the numbers support that observation. Average power for the 80 was 4.5% up at 210watts, average speed 3.8%, distance covered 3.9% up and max power 9.3% up at 444 watts. That was a burst and not sustained power. Each effort started good for the first 20seconds and I'd get to 400watts, but after 30seconds would settle to 360 which was hard to hold until into the final 60 seconds of the 3 minute effort and then I'd be able to hold 370 then for the final 10 seconds I'd really go for it and that's where the 444 was achieved. The increased output came at a cost average heart rate was also 5% up and calore consumption up 12%.
The turbo session was then immediately followed by a transition run. That means, off the bike, on with the trainers and out for a run. Because it was really cold and dark that also meant on with a long sleeve top and reflective vest. Should have put on more clothes and taken the head torch because it was really cold and far darker than normal on Whitlingham Lane. Perhaps it was the cold that inspired me to 7:20mpm pace. I was very keen to get home.


Ironman Simon said...
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Ironman Simon said...

Well done Rob a very good effort and determination. Good to see you are trying to make up for the no Alarm syndrome no more excuses. Keep motivated and keep going ................ oh and try the "sperm helmet" for 6 hrs might get tight around the ears.