Friday, 15 January 2010

5x 1k Run Efforts Wk 15 Friday 15th January

Was later than hoped getting to bed last night after the turbo session and writing up the blog. That and needing to be at home by 8:30am for the plumber ment that I missed my morning swim. I'll have to make ammends for that tomorrow evening.
I did make the 5x 1k run efforts at lunchtime and was again joined by Paul French. The aim of the session was to run each of the 1k's at a target time of 3:50 (m:s) with a 2.5 minute rest between each. We've done this session a few times now and have our unofficial 1k course on Whitlingham Lane. The last time we did this session, which was Tuesday 15th December 2009, our times for the efforts were: 3:49, 3:54, 3:54, 3:58 and 3:52.
Today our times were: 3:48, 3:53, 3:46, 3:49 and 3:45.
A definate improvement. Heart Rate trace and split analysis in the attached graphic.

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