Monday, 26 October 2009

Completion of a recovery Week

On Saturday I had a choice between a swim or an easy bike ride. It was wet and a little windy. When the offer came up of lunch in Holt and a trip to a private members club for a swim I took that option. "Private Members" club sounds very grand. I'm refering to Green's Gym. It's a nice enough 3 lane 25m swimming pool. The changing room is better than UEA and the lockers much better but whilst the water in the pool has a nice feel and you get a good purchase and swim well I still prefer the UEA pool. Certainly a good chance of getting an undisturbed swim at Greens.

Sunday the choice was rest or either an easy run or ride. I decided on rest. Went across to Yarmouth to watch the Yarmouth 10k where I knew a far few of the runners. Some who I knew were entered and some that I didn't. My photos are on Facebook.

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