Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Run Efforts, WK8 Wednesday 25th November

Comments from coach Joe on the diagram above:

"Ive just seen the diagram for the ru efforts its really good.
Just want to say that you need to run the 400s all in under 1.30.
1.35 is far to slow even in to the headwind. The first block of 4 was o.k but the first two in that set let you down.
The 800s were good which makes me think your holding too much back on the 400s. The last block of 400s wasnt bad its just that 1.35.
In general it was o.k.
Next time you do 400s try and aim for 85 and see how many you can make on that time and if you blow up don't worry just let me know afterwards.
Just think not to long left till the ironman and if you want that hawaii spot its going to hurt but i know you can do it. "

Swam in the evening at UEA in a 25m pool.
1000 warm up as 200 f/s, 200 pull, 200 f/s, 200 pull, 200 f/s
20x 100 as
4 as 50 drill, 50 swim on 1:50
4 as 25 fast, 75 steady, 1st length hard on 1st one, 2nd lenght hard on 2nd and so on. Rep 1:50.
4 as pull on 1:50
8 on 1:40. Was doing well upto this point, with the previous all sub 1:30, but only just managing that full stroke.
16x 25 on 30s. Managed sub 20s for nearly all of them.
200m warm down.
Total of 3600m in 63minutes.

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