Sunday, 17 June 2007

Ironman Switzerland Online.

Swiss7 logo For those of you who are interested in following my progress at Ironman Switzerland next Sunday, all you have to do is visit and select Ironman Switzerland. My race number is 1493.
Race numbers for all seven of us from Tri-Anglia at Switzerland, the Swiss7 are:
Gareth WALKER - 1612
Melvin WATERS - 1617
Peter CHAPMAN - 1359
Rob LINES - 1493
Tim CHEN - 1361
Sam KINGSTON - 1476
Stewart INGRAM - 1460

Ironman Nice
From the same link you can also following the progress of Tim Holliday at Ironman Nice, which is also on Sunday 24th June. Tim's number is 1092.


Colin Haynes said...

Best of luck. Hope your bike is fixed now.

chapmoni said...

Good luck dude!!!!