Saturday, 16 June 2007

Parish 5k

Yes, I know I'm in taper mode. Yes, I know that races aren't conducive to tapering. But todays race was very low key and very social.
When I ran with the White Horse Terriers on Monday they asked if I'd like to run with them at the Parish 5k that was being organised as part of the Loddon Village Fate.
I thought that a short brisk run would do no harm - so long as I treated it as a tempo run at most. And I'm pleased to report that that was what I did.
The event attracted 18 runners, all bar 4 or which were associated with the White Horse Terriers. There was no entry fee. But despite being 'low key' the course was well signed with km markers along the way and several marshalls at key junctions (though I wish there'd been more as I managed to over-shoot one junction).
The course undulates slightly, covers various terrain (road, path, playing field and off road) and is very technical. It undulates only very slightly but there are numerous bends to negotiate.
I got round in 20:31 despite adding 50m so very pleased with that. It might be nearly a minute off a PB, but that was never the aim. The winner got round in under 19mins. My friends Darren and Rob from the Canoe Club were second and third with your's truly 4th. Gillian Bee was the third lady home.
Despite the lack of an entry fee all finishers got a medal and a piece of chocolate for their effort.
If you are able to take part in this low key event next year do. It's good fun.

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