Monday, 25 June 2007

All Done

I am pleased to be able to report that all of the Swiss7 finished Ironman Switzerland yesterday.
Yours truely completing in 12h10m comprising a 61min swim, 6h30m bike ride and a 4h30m marathon.
The swim was manic and scary, especially at the start.
The bike was stuning and great fun. I still do not like the descent of "The Beast" I got to 34mph, my team mates got to 47mph and even they were getting overtaken.
The run was a bit of a chore.
Great sense of achievement upon completion.


Chilly said...

Well done mate!

timm said...

well done Rob - I admire your dedication and committment to your sport. To undertake all the training and complete in such a respectable time is testament to your dedication!