Sunday, 13 December 2009

90km Training Ride, wk 8, Saturday 28th Nov

Windy ride with Jonathan Briggs and Will Hall. Aim was 3 to 3.5 hrs at 18-18.5mph. Managed 90km in 3 hours 12 minutes, though the wind knocked the speed down a bit.

Ride stats: 55.3 miles (89km) at 17.3mph average, peak of 33. Average cadence 84rpm, max of 115

Then in the evening a 2 mile swim session. Felt pleased with 200m efforts repping on 3:15.
Warm up of 1,000m solo as 200 f/s, 200 pull, 200 drill, 200 pull, 200 f/s
Eight x 200m repeating on 3:15 (swimming them in 2:50-2:55)
Sixteen x 25m on 30 seconds
200m warm down
Total of 2 miles in 56 mins.

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