Yesterday I spent 8 hours on a road junction getting the Canadian's to drive on the left hand side of the road. They seemed to be able to do it, so perhaps we should convince them to always drive on the left.
I had volunteered to help out at the Apple Triathlon in Kelowna after hearing a plea for assistance on the local radio. My job was to marshall a junction on the bike course which really meant marshall the traffic around the bike course. It twas a t-junction with the riders having half the road (one lane) on the main road with both directions of the traffic sharing the other lane, but also helping those turning in and out of the side road across the stream of traffic.
I have earned event t-shirts easier, more fun ways, though this way it only cost me petrol and I got fed.
More examples of Canadian's being friendly. One chap came out of his house to lend me a camp chair for the day and others kept asking me if I'd like water. I drank two litres as it was without needing to accept anything from them.
As well as the competitors and locals I saw no end of Magpies and some Osprey.
Had a one hour out and back run along the disused railway line that goes through the campsite and along the shore of Skaha Lake - a lake side Marriots way if you like. It really is pretty. Sandy though so will be checking that there is no sand left in my trainers before Sunday.
Steve, Jennie and Isla are now on the campsite. So even more company for me now.
Oh, and I don't think I impressed the campsite security guard by leaving at 5am. Will have to be nice to him ahead of next Sunday's race.
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