Friday, 28 August 2009

Canada Day 10 - Friday 28th September

All registered now. Got a tag on my wrist, a timing chip for my ankle, run bag, bike bag, dry clothes bag, run special needs bag, bike special needs bag, swim cap, number for run shirt, number for bike jersey and sticker numbers for all the bags, lid and the bike.
I'm feeling remarkable calm.
At the expo sat around listening to the interview with 7 of the pros. That was light hearted and fun. The interviewer was trying to get them to be bitchy between them to get some rivalry going but they just weren't bitting and were joking about avoiding his bait.
Good expo here. Not so much a triathlon trade fair like Nice or Zurich, this one is just one massive Ironman Canada shop. Did I buy some gear? Maybe.
The highlight of the day though was the 8am Underpants Run for the local charity. 300+ runners in trainers and underpants (ladies were expected to wear tops), the aim not to look cool but to look very uncool have a laugh and raise some money.
Pics on facebook at:

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