Tuesday, 14 July 2009

That was close :-(

Having not ridden my race bike since unpacking it after Nice and wanting to check it out before packing it again this evening, so I rode it into work this morning.
Well, I say into work. I got as far as the county hall roundabout. Did a track stand waiting for the traffic to pass then as I pulled on the bars to accelerate onto the round about my handlebars broke. I'd pulled the right shifter so hard the bars just next to it fractured.
So pleased that they didn't break on the Ironman or next Monday on l'Etape. The thought of them breaking whilst descending a mountain at 30-40+mph doesn't bear thinking about.
I quickly changed plans on the roundabout and threw a complete circuit to head home to change bikes - wasn't helped by the driver that decided to overtake me on the roundabout. We had a touching of wheels. That was too close for comfort.
Now in the market for a replacement set of bars, which I could really do with today as my bike has to be packed by Thursday evening.

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