Wednesday 11 July 2007

First proper ride...

16.56miles, 50:42 mins, 19.8mph average, 29.2mph top.
Gate to Gate on the usual Mulbarton route - anti-clockwise - solo.
Got to 20.2mph average at the 10mile point. Was windy and would have averaged 20mph if it hadn't been for traffic. A blue van turned left in front of me on the Newmarket road forcing me to slow from 23mph. Found a lorry on a bend in a country lane that caused me to stop - usual traffic lights and a learner not quite being as considerate as they could have been. Learner I'll forgive, the lorry - well that just happens, but the van - I'm blaming him for my average not making 20mph.
With some speed work though we should be able rectify that.

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