Sunday 25 November 2007

How was that 300th week?

It turned out to be rather bumper. Managed just under 28miles of running with the longest being the 11.5miles of the second stage of the Hereward Relay, which I was running for one of 4 teams entered from Tri-Anglia.
Biked 206 miles which included cycling the 60 miles back to Drayton from March following the 2nd Hereward Relay stage. Will Hall kept me company on his shiny new bike, and beat me up nearly all the hills.
Swam twice. Both times were solo sessions at UEA following the sessions laid out in week 10 of the Ironman schedule. Yes I know that I'm on week 4 now for South Africa, but as I'm almost at the end of the second phase of training I'm going to get to week 12 then head back to 7 which will put me in synch for Port Elizabeth. Oh and on that topic - I'm booked and I've got the company of the legendary Russell Clarke (multiple Ironman and recent Himalyan 100 mile run finisher).
So, how was the week? 13,000 kcal. ;-)

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