Sunday, 25 February 2007

Training Progress

Eight weeks into the year and seven weeks into a twenty four week Ironman Training schedule. The first 6 weeks were an 'adaptation phase'.
Week 7 which finished today (Sunday) was the first week of the 6 week 'aerobic phase'.
In following the schedule in preparing for Ironman Switzerland, including the Bungay Marathon (1st April) along the way I have covered 230 miles running and 1143 miles on the bike and swam 32miles. (Actually that last figure is a bit impressive.)
This week I've swam 8.8k, cycled 158miles including an 80mile ride from Norwich to Southwold and back and run 35.5miles.
I'd just like to thank Simon Edye for organising the ride to Southwold and to Tim Topper for organising a 3 hour 21 mile this morning, plotting the course, pacing me and providing conversation.
Route for Tims run:
Route for yesterday's ride to Southwold:

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